EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker

100% Online

Available for All Courses




Years of Teaching

15–18 Hours/Week


Course Overview

CEH is a certification for ethical hackers and security professionals focused on penetration testing and offensive security. This course covers the tools and techniques used by hackers to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in systems.

Why Choose CEH:

CEH is essential for individuals seeking to understand and defend against the tactics employed by malicious hackers. It validates the ability to identify vulnerabilities, perform penetration testing, and secure systems. CEH is recognized in the cybersecurity industry and is suitable for professionals in ethical hacking, penetration testing, and information security roles.

Course outline

  • 1

    Introduction to Ethical Hacking


    Information Security Overview


    Information Security Threats and Attack Vectors

  • 2

    Footprinting and Reconnaissance


    Footprinting Concepts


    Footprinting Tools

  • 3

    Scanning Networks


    Network Scanning Concepts


    Host Discovery

  • 4

    Enumeration and System Hacking


    Enumeration Techniques


    System Hacking Concepts

  • 5

    Malware Threats


    Types of Malware


    Malware Analysis

  • 6

    Sniffing, Social Engineering, and Denial-of-Service


    Sniffing Concepts


    Social Engineering Attacks

  • 7

    Web Application Hacking


    Web Application Security Concepts


    Web Application Hacking Methodology

  • 8

    Wireless Network Hacking and Security


    Wireless Networking Concepts


    Wireless Hacking Methodology

  • 9

    Cloud Computing and IoT Security


    Cloud Computing Concepts


    IoT Security

  • 10

    Final Review and Exam Preparation


    Practice Exams


    Review of Key Concepts


    Exam-taking Strategies

What's Included:

  • Instructor led training modules (1 year access)
  • Official e-courseware (1 year access)
  • iLabs access (6 Months Access)
  • CEH Exam Voucher

How It Works

Get what you want today, pay it in four installments, always interest-free

Save on Time & Tuition

Cyber Brain Academy works with students to find ways to reduce costs and make education more accessible. Contact us to learn about opportunities to save on your educational costs.

Stack Your Credits

Earn 40 Continued Education Credits with each certification, allowing you to convert them to college credits.

Veteran Tuition Reduction

Undergraduate tuition savings for the military include a 20% reduction per certification.

Educational Assistance

Learn about educational assistance programs available to fund many of our certification programs.

Corporate Benefits

Employees seeking to grow within their company may be eligible for costs coverage by their employers.

Download Course Details

Dive into the details of this certification and discover everything it has to offer.

Download the course details now to unlock the secrets to your success with this globally recognized certification!

Unlock New Opportunities

Jobs that require or benefit from a CEH certification:

  • Ethical Hacker
  • Penetration Tester
  • Security Analyst
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Security Engineer
  • Security Consultant
  • Cybersecurity Analyst


Jobs available with a EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker certification

$90,000 per year

Avg. salary for EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker certified professionals in the US

Fraction of University costs

At Cyber Brains Academy, we simplify learning with flexible financing, including Afterpay, Buy Now Pay Later, starting at just $250/month. Our expert consultants ensure effortless funding, connecting you with our elite cybersecurity instructors. Together, we dive impactful change in cybersecurity knowlege.

Don’t wait-join us today on your rewarding cybersecurity career.

What students have said about our course


John D.

“Enrolling in the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) course was a game-changer for my career. The modules are thoughtfully structured, providing practical insights into security governance and cutting-edge technologies. The hands-on approach has elevated my skills, making me a valuable asset to my organization.”


Sarah J.

“The CISM course not only prepared me for the certification exam but also equipped me with real-world strategies for managing and securing information systems. The instructor’s expertise and the collaborative learning environment made the journey enjoyable and effective. Proud to be a Certified Information Security Manager!”


David M.

“The CISM certification has always been on my career roadmap, and this course exceeded my expectations. The comprehensive coverage of international standards and practical solutions enhanced my understanding of information assurance. The networking opportunities provided in the course have been invaluable for professional growth.”

Frequently Asked Question

Cybersecurity training is essential for individuals and organizations to protect their digital assets from cyber threats. It includes courses and certifications that teach best practices and skills to defend against cyberattacks.

Yes, cybersecurity training is suitable for beginners, and you do not need prior IT experience to start a career in tech.

Our program adheres to the Department of Defense’s guidelines for IT certification requirements within the military, ensuring that you gain the essential knowledge and skills. We prioritize student services and offer a dedicated team of Education Counselors to assist each student from the initial orientation all the way to certification. When you enroll in our Live-Online training, you can count on comprehensive support for a complete twelve (12) months, regardless of the program’s duration.

We provide training for a wide range of certifications, including CompTIA Security+, CISM, CCNA, CISA and many others. You can browse our course catalog for a complete list.

To enroll in a course, simply browse our catalog, select the course you’re interested in, and follow the enrollment instructions provided on the course page.

Each training package includes a Digital Online Study Guide, Lab Access, 1000 Practice Questions, and an exam voucher that lasts up to a whole year.

We offer Live-Online Training, which includes live classes with an instructor for interaction, and On-Demand training, which is self-paced e-learning. Both packages include the same training kit.

There are no prerequisites for taking a certification course, but we recommend speaking with an education counselor for the best course selection and career advice.

The course does not have a fixed timeframe; it can be completed as quickly as the student prefers. Our courses are structured to be dynamic and adaptable, enabling students to progress at their own pace. The course duration is contingent upon the individual student’s learning speed and the intricacy of the course material. This approach provides students with the flexibility to complete the course at a pace that aligns with their unique requirements and schedules.

The cost varies based on the type of training course (Live-Online or On-Demand). Exam vouchers can be bought separately as well. Pricing details can be found on the respective course pages.

Yes, we offer a 20% discount for veterans, and we may have holiday discounts advertised during specific times.

Each training kit includes one exam voucher with one attempt. If you do not pass the exam, you would need to purchase another exam voucher.

You can take the certification exam either from the comfort of your home (proctored exam) or schedule an in-person exam at your nearest Pearson testing center. *link to pearson testing centers*

  • Instructor led training modules (1 year access)
  • Official e-courseware (1 year access)
  • iLabs access (6 Months Access)
  • CEH Exam Voucher

Yes, we offer certifications at various levels to accommodate your experience and skill level. Beginner-level certifications provide a strong foundation, while intermediate and advanced certifications allow specialization in specific IT and cybersecurity areas.

Certainly, we will send you a personalized quote via email that outlines the pricing options and package features to meet your specific needs.

Yes, once you successfully complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion as a recognition of your achievement. This certificate can be a valuable addition to your professional credentials and can be used to showcase your expertise in the field of cybersecurity.

At Cyber Brain Academy, we offer online and distance learning, with course materials sent directly to the student’s provided email. Our unique training model empowers students with exceptional flexibility and the ability to learn at their own pace, while ensuring they never feel isolated in their educational journey. We provide a comprehensive package that includes top-quality course materials, software demonstrations and labs, a diverse range of supplementary resources, a comprehensive knowledge base, and exam preparation materials.

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